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CQFS Filter Hooks

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Filter names and context

Filter NameContextUsed in
"cqfs_pass_msg"default pass messagetemplate-results.php
"cqfs_fail_msg"default fail messagetemplate-results.php
"cqfs_result_you_answered"label text for quiz answertemplate-results.php
"cqfs_result_ans_status"label text for quiz statustemplate-results.php
"cqfs_result_ans_note"label text for answer notetemplate-results.php
"cqfs_thankyou_msg_feedback"default text for feedback thankstemplate-results.php
"cqfs_thankyou_msg_survey"default text for survey thankstemplate-results.php
"cqfs_failure_msg"default failure messageshortcode.php
"cqfs_next_text"next button text, cqfs formshortcode.php
"cqfs_prev_text"previous button text, cqfs formshortcode.php
"cqfs_submit_text"submit button text, cqfs formshortcode.php
"cqfs_guest_user_form_msg"text message on guest formutilities.php
"cqfs_error_uname_msg"user name error messageutilities.php
"cqfs_error_email_msg"user email error messageutilities.php
"cqfs_user_form_consent"guest form consent message,
allowed html “p”, “a”, “div”
"cqfs_email_site_name"site name in emailutilities.php
"cqfs_email_default_subject"default subject in emailutilities.php
"cqfs_email_quiz_pass_msg"default quiz pass message in emailutilities.php
"cqfs_email_quiz_fail_msg"default quiz fail message in emailutilities.php
"cqfs_email_quiz_thank_msg"default thank you message in emailutilities.php
"cqfs_email_feedback_msg"default feedback message in emailutilities.php
"cqfs_email_survey_msg"default survey message in emailutilities.php
"cqfs_email_admin_msg"default message for admin emailutilities.php

Example use

// change the default pass message
add_filter('cqfs_pass_msg', 'my_callback_function');
function my_callback_function(){
    // your code goes here
    return esc_html__('Congrats! you have successfully passed the quiz.', 'text-domain');



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Filter Hooks

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