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javascript fetch api

JavaScript fetch API to load WordPress posts

There are many ways to paginate your WordPress archives. paginate_links() function is one of them. It will return the pagination number links for your archives. However this pagination will show posts in separate pages like 1, 2, 3 etc. But there is a way to load more posts in your archive without refreshing the entire page. We shall learn the most effective way to do that with simple JavaScript fetch API. This tutorial covers the entire process of using the fetch API and without any jQuery dependency.

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dynamic grid carousel

Create a dynamic grid carousel with Tiny Slider

  • Last updated: May 16, 2020

All of us are probably aware that owl carousel which is built with jQuery, is almost dead now. The author of owl carousel is inspiring all users to switch to the Tiny Slider. This works much faster as it is built with vanilla js or in simple words it’s built with plain JavaScript. In this tutorial, we shall learn how we can create a dynamic grid carousel with tiny slider.

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